RANZCR radiology registrars and training fellows are invited to submit an abstract to ARGANZ outlining an original research project relevant to abdomino-pelvic imaging (excluding obstetrics). Abstracts are to be limited to 500 words and must be presented in standard format comprising introduction, methods, results and conclusion. Trainees are permitted to submit multiple abstracts.
Abstracts are to be submitted via the presentation portal (utilising the .doc or .docx template). You will be required to enter an abstract title, preferred presentation type (please read section below for further information on poster presentations), authors and their affiliations, and a short biography of the presenting author (including place and year of training), before uploading the abstract document. Please have this information ready before accessing the portal.
All abstracts will be reviewed by members of the ARGANZ executive, and up to 4 will be selected for oral presentation. Trainees will be notified about abstract acceptance before the Early bird closing date. Trainees whose abstracts are accepted for oral presentation are required to register for the ARGANZ meeting to be eligible for the prize.
Trainees whose abstracts are not chosen for oral presentation, may be offered the opportunity to present a poster, but these submissions will not be eligible for Mendelson Research Prize consideration